Monday, December 17, 2012

My Day

Well, I just hit my toe on my bed. Ouchie. So my teacher decided to give us like a million things to do all in the same week. But its okay because Christmas break is coming soon. I cant wait to go iceskating on thrusday, and i've gotta figure out. so anyway i just made something in honor of our childhood friends from winnie the pooh, i realize when i saw "childhood friends" i sound wierd but trust and believe, i'm totally sane.
so i basically made this for the heck of it. i'm going to be making more of these. its like things we love, like i'll take a photo of food and put food maybe or just take photos, edit them and post them on ig, blogger, and pinterest. Pinterest is like my life right now. i can spend hours on there. so umm, i cant think of anything else to type so i'm gonna come back when i think of something else to right. chow.
Peace, Love, Happiness
Angel Marie

Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Life Since My Last Entry

The girls in my class on Spirit Day


Taz and I
Emblem 3
So ermm, I haven't been on in a while. I swear i have a good reason. Since schools started i have like a million and one other things to worry about. Its crazy. But the Christmas break is coming soon and I'll be able to blog everyday if i remember. So since i last blogged school started of course, umm i hate it, thanksgiving was fun, i love one direction more, i love emblem 3 and union j as well, and my brother got a pitbull puppy. i posted some photos. My brother's pitbull's name is Taz. He doesnt go crazy when he sees anyone, but when he sees me its all over, he goes crazy. and There is a photo of the girls in my class on Spirit Day. We had fun. I'm gonna take photos of Christmas things and post them. i already have lights.
Well , I'll post either later or some other day.
Peace, Love, Happiness
Angel Marie

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Recent Struggle

I was so excited at the beginning of the year for biology class.... well that all changed very quickly. i know you all probably dont care about my personal problems of life but here we go. ill tell you what happened.I feel like the particular biology that im taking is like college course. or i think i was only excited about the human anatomy part and since we are doing the cell part im not really excited. Maybe soon as we get to human anatomy i will be excited. i dunno. but i hope i get excited soon.
How does this sound: We have a test on wednesday, no school the rest of the week till tuesday. we start the chapter, barely, on tuesday and then the teacher tells us we have a quiz the next day on vocabulary words that are on the website and reading. I think he shouldve given us the stuff to go over during the break, because i had to cram vocab words the day b4. i dont look at the website everyday. and + he didnt give us the definition that he was gonna be using. So some of the definitions i was confused about. Sorry about my rant. but this is the place that i will get opinions and rant about crap and tell about my boring life. But thanks for checking out my entries. Ill try to post more ofter. And sorry for not posting in a long time, as you read at the top, im going thru crazy stuff at school and im just sooooo busy... so ill make it a task to blog along with learning my sign language. ill tell you abt that later... and if i dont make a comment on one of my entries to tell you abt my journey into the sign language world and why i am going to take this journey. Well its almost 12am so im gonna hit the hay sack cos i have school tomorrow.
 Peace, Love, Happiness

Angel Marie 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Spirit Day

well, today was spirit day and i looked absolutely crazy... i'd post a picture but i didnt take one for a specific reason that i looked totally and completely rediculous... but everyone did because no one cared... we all were just having fun. like we had parties and of course the only class that we actually worked in was english because the teacher isnt really that cool. the only thing fun we get to do is read for 10 minutes before the class, and if you dont have a really interesting book then... ur screwed.. so good thing i found this really good book called Dog on It.. its really good. kinda like a mystery book. Its the kind of book that makes you want to keep reading. i was reading and i was on like chapter 1 or 2 and by time i knew it i was on chapter 4. i totally didnt know that i read right pass chapter 3. Its really good.| Im looking for some good blogs to follow. havent really found any. So if any of you page viewer that i am so thankful for have any ideas of blogs that you think id like could you just tell me plleaassee . im new to the blogging and i wanna read some great blogs.
Peace, Love, Happiness
Angel Marie

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Catching Up

Hello Everyone,
Havent been on in a while , sorry :(
Wellllll, the first day of school was yesterday and it was good. My schedule is kinda crazy but ill get used to it. And im soooo happy , im suppose to get my braces off tomorrow. Hopefully. But there has been this one tooth that hasnt been cooperating but i think they may just take them off. Im happy. Cant wait. And then i get my retainer. Never had one before so i dont know what to expect. So today was the second day and we have like this tiboo palatis thing at school. So we had an assembly and i signed up for that and art because my friend wanted to art and i wanna do atleast one thing with her. And there was nothing else that i was really interested in. So i cant wait  ... I think this year is gonna be goof. Atleast i hope so.
- well im gonna go to bed cause its like 11:00 and im gonna be tired in the morning. But i didnt wanna leave u guys hanging for a long time even though i dont have alot of viewers. But ill try to get on tomorrow
Peace, Love, Happiness
-Angel Marie

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Random Rant

Okay so this is just a Random Rant. Its gonna be short, I promise .

      So im on my laptop , about to go on facebook and i press the little shortcut button on the keyboard for the internet. I notice that the internet popped up, but took a little while to get to msn.

    All i have to say about this is that Internet Explorer is slow as crap. i had Google Chrome and Firefox on my last laptop and they were speedy quick, but Internet Explorer isnt cutting it..
 Safari is pretty good too. but when i go to watch movies on netflix they dont let me cos its something with the flash or something like that. But thats all i had to say for now, is that Internet explorer is a bit slow. and i think im going to get google chrome. Not that you all care what browser i use, but you know. i just thought id blog about it.

   Another thing is (sorry i know i said i wasnt gonna be long) another this is that i cant wait for One Direction's new album 'Take Me Home' to come out OMG so excited. and i cant wait till they perform at the VMA's gonna be sooooo exciting. and i even think they are gonna win an award. but idk. well im suppose to be singing with my momma at church one sunday. a sogn called 'I Will Trust In You' so i will chat with yall later.

Peace, Love, Happiness
-Angel Marie

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Relax Day

Hello Everyone.
   Well nothing exciting today. just relaxed today. but next week is gonna be busy because school is starting on tuesday. i really dont wanna go back to school. oh my goodness  you have no idea how bad i dont want to go to school. i just want to be done with highschool and i just started highschool last year. im only in 10th grade this year. i know i only have 3 years left. but then comes college. i just want to get on with a career.

   i want to be a pediatrician. i just love the medical field and i love children. i get on pretty well with them and i know how to take care of them and things like that. so i think it will be a good career for me.

    But um thats really all i have to post today. nothing exciting. i promise my life is more exciting than this. not extrmely exciting but more exciting that relaxing all day. ya know there are just some times when you need a relax day. no one can run run run and not take a little break.

  well im gonna go now. this was just a quick post for the day.
love you guys

Peace, Love, Happiness
 -Angel Marie

Friday, August 31, 2012

Birthday Overview

So today was my 15th birthday as you all know from my last Blogpost. I had a great birthday thanks to my parents and my bestfriends. I'm so incredibly greatful for the loved ones i have, and i try not take them for granted.
    So today for my birthday i got a new laptop only because my last one's screen broke. like i dont even know what happened to it. anywho. i got one like the last one i had buts its a bit upgraded. so exciting. So i went to the Maryland state fair. Had loads of fun there. and got on lots of rides, also i screamed my frickin' lungs out. and now my throat hurts so bad. and i got loads of cards and giftcards. really i didnt want mucn for my birthday because i feel that i already have a bunch of things. i dont really need alot more. but basically that was my birthday. it was fun lots of fun. and plus im at the age where i dont really need alot because i dont get as excited over my birthday like i used to when i was younger.

          So that was basically my birthday, and now im just sitting in my bed blogging and watching tv. Good Luck Charlie. and im only watching this because this is the episode that BooBoo Stewart is on . so its exciting. anyway i think i have carpials tunnel and my wrists are starting to hurt a bit so im gonna go now. and I might be back tomorrow.
 Love you guys
Peace, Love, Happiness
-Angel Marie
*P.S. Sorry about my grammar. i didnt feel like capitalizing and all that stuff. this isnt anything spectacular or anything just a place to rant. and tell my feelings and tell about my day, my encounters with life, sad time, good times, funny times etc.etc. So  dont worry about the grammar.

My Birthday

Well, Today is my Birthday. Im 15. I decided to make a blog cos it looked fun. Something to do in my spare time. Not that anyone cares about my life, but eh what the heck! I will try to be interesting. and post pictures of my adventures and tell yall about what ive been going thru today, you know what,  Im thinking of this as a Journal that i share with the world.
I havent had a laptop for almost 6th months. because the screen on my other laptop stopped working, and now ive got another laptop for my birthday. But im going to do my nails. i'll post later. Bye Bye everyone. :) and hopefully by next year ill be a famous person on blogger. chow