Friday, September 21, 2012

Spirit Day

well, today was spirit day and i looked absolutely crazy... i'd post a picture but i didnt take one for a specific reason that i looked totally and completely rediculous... but everyone did because no one cared... we all were just having fun. like we had parties and of course the only class that we actually worked in was english because the teacher isnt really that cool. the only thing fun we get to do is read for 10 minutes before the class, and if you dont have a really interesting book then... ur screwed.. so good thing i found this really good book called Dog on It.. its really good. kinda like a mystery book. Its the kind of book that makes you want to keep reading. i was reading and i was on like chapter 1 or 2 and by time i knew it i was on chapter 4. i totally didnt know that i read right pass chapter 3. Its really good.| Im looking for some good blogs to follow. havent really found any. So if any of you page viewer that i am so thankful for have any ideas of blogs that you think id like could you just tell me plleaassee . im new to the blogging and i wanna read some great blogs.
Peace, Love, Happiness
Angel Marie

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