Friday, August 31, 2012

Birthday Overview

So today was my 15th birthday as you all know from my last Blogpost. I had a great birthday thanks to my parents and my bestfriends. I'm so incredibly greatful for the loved ones i have, and i try not take them for granted.
    So today for my birthday i got a new laptop only because my last one's screen broke. like i dont even know what happened to it. anywho. i got one like the last one i had buts its a bit upgraded. so exciting. So i went to the Maryland state fair. Had loads of fun there. and got on lots of rides, also i screamed my frickin' lungs out. and now my throat hurts so bad. and i got loads of cards and giftcards. really i didnt want mucn for my birthday because i feel that i already have a bunch of things. i dont really need alot more. but basically that was my birthday. it was fun lots of fun. and plus im at the age where i dont really need alot because i dont get as excited over my birthday like i used to when i was younger.

          So that was basically my birthday, and now im just sitting in my bed blogging and watching tv. Good Luck Charlie. and im only watching this because this is the episode that BooBoo Stewart is on . so its exciting. anyway i think i have carpials tunnel and my wrists are starting to hurt a bit so im gonna go now. and I might be back tomorrow.
 Love you guys
Peace, Love, Happiness
-Angel Marie
*P.S. Sorry about my grammar. i didnt feel like capitalizing and all that stuff. this isnt anything spectacular or anything just a place to rant. and tell my feelings and tell about my day, my encounters with life, sad time, good times, funny times etc.etc. So  dont worry about the grammar.

My Birthday

Well, Today is my Birthday. Im 15. I decided to make a blog cos it looked fun. Something to do in my spare time. Not that anyone cares about my life, but eh what the heck! I will try to be interesting. and post pictures of my adventures and tell yall about what ive been going thru today, you know what,  Im thinking of this as a Journal that i share with the world.
I havent had a laptop for almost 6th months. because the screen on my other laptop stopped working, and now ive got another laptop for my birthday. But im going to do my nails. i'll post later. Bye Bye everyone. :) and hopefully by next year ill be a famous person on blogger. chow